Easter was just upon us, though this post is probably late in coming, it will serve as a valuable tool for all bakers that want to know if the egg is all that it is cracked up to be.
Yes, this essential ingredient is more than omelets for breakfast. It's uses are endless, from ice cream to cakes, from breakfast to dessert, the culinary industry would not be here if it were not for the egg.
The Composition of an Egg
The egg is comprised of six items; three of which are important for uses as culinarians.
The Anatomy of an Egg |
(1) The Egg Shell
(2) The Egg Yolk
(3) The Egg White
The Egg Shell: The egg shell is what protects the egg from spoilage and other outer elements that could otherwise damage the fragile interior. One thing that must be kept in mind, the shell is rather porous. It is essential to properly store eggs away from strong odors, like chopped onions, to keep them tasting fresh. Because the shell is porous, it also allows for quite a bit of moisture to evaporate through the exterior if not stored correctly. To keep eggs lasting fresh longer, keep in a chilled atmosphere, but not freezing.